Friday, January 26, 2007

Let It Will Be

Submit Bitches! Most people's music video's don't look this hot, and this actually was one take! Okay, I'm biased, a fact that I'm sure will become evident simply based on the number of times Madonna comes up. There's a section in the documentary about "The Reinvention Tour" where Iggy Pop opens for Madonna somewhere in Ireland. Not sure why. But she watches him rehearsing and you should see the look on her face. Iggy's falling all over the place as he often does, throwing things and being all 'rock star' and Madonna is actually shocked, which never really happens. Personally having a feeling that's how she came to this little number on her next outing "The Confessions Tour." Like "Like a Feather," it's an excellent example of an incredible performance being made all the more incredible by superb editing. In cause you were wondering, it's Jonas Akerland, who also directed the filming of "The Reinvention Tour." A great spot from that particular collaboration is on its way.

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