Sunday, March 04, 2007

Beautiful Liar / The Boy Is Mine

Feminism at it's finest. Beyonce and Shakira's new video "Beautiful Liar" is clearly "The Boy is Mine" for 2007. I'm actually surprised it took 9 years for two female popstars to do a duet where they're mad at men together. I'm also surprised, while comparing the two, how increidbly boring "The Boy Is Mine" seems now. What?! No middrifts?! You're wearing all your clothes?! No Choreography?!...just back and forth between that damn wall, over and over. I'm glad Shakira and Beyonce have learned that if you want to hate your man, you at least have to be a sex kitten and ruin your gown with fake rain.

But seriously, it is rather exciting how similar they look in this video. Why is it exciting? I'm not sure yet, I haven't had my coffee.

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